
I grew up in Oak Ridge, NJ…fourth of eight with just one sister in the mix… Dad & Mom …and dog.    Church kid.    Quiet kid.    Christian kid?

I went to college in Longview TX; lived and worked there for several years and returned to NJ after an eventual graduation.  I put my engineering degree to work with just two companies in the past twenty-five plus years.

I married my Amanda on a sunny Ground Hog’s day in 1991 and soon there were six of us.  Three boys, one girl and the inevitable dog a bit later.  We now call Sparta NJ… home.

I started out a church kid and pretty much stayed one, though it seems God, in his mercy, put a hunger and thirst in my heart for Him in his word a little while back that seems to make everything before that pale in comparison to the new joy of treasuring Him each day.

As I have read and spent time meditating on God’s word and learning from a few faithful teachers, I found that I had a difficult time keeping my thoughts to myself.  I’ve never journaled ‘properly’, but I’ve caused some crowded inbox’s over the past year or so as I’ve written out some of what God, through His word and his Spirit, has been graciously opening my eyes to see and love.

Today, I start out with this new journaling vehicle…a blog.  Let’s see if this might be a fruitful means of speaking forth the wonders and evidences of God’s grace…to His glory.

Witten's at Sight & Sound (PA) Aug 2008

8/29/2008 update…  It was two years ago that God opened my eyes to see His glory and worship Him as my greatest treasure…to God be the glory!  Just as a means of keeping things current, I thought an occasional update would put time in perspective.  I continue to hunger and thirst for God and his revealing Word by such amazing grace.  Being made fit for the Kingdom is a joyful process, though often with much struggle and sometimes pain.  I also rejoice to see God faithfully at work in the life of my family.  Our children are growing up…Luke is 15, Mark-13, Sarah-11 and Michael…10.  Oh, there’s the dog too ; ) …but he’s just a dog, no honorable mention needed.

12/31/2009… Wow, where does time go when it flies?  New Year’s Eve 2009, tomorrow ushers in another year… another decade.  God’s goodness and faithfulness are evident everywhere.  Even with many friends and family going through suffering of various sorts, cancer, death,… God’s word is true and strengthening as we see Him bringing about all that He said he would.  If there is a goal or a new year’s resolution to be considered in 2010, it will be to grow in faith, to trust in Jesus Christ daily, to love the Gospel and be ‘good news’ to those around us, to spend time in God’s word and getting to know Him and letting that change us and the lives we life out daily while we’re still here.

Witten family – (Mark, Luke Sarah, Tim, Michael, Amanda)


…a picture or two to chronicle the passing of time ; ] 


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