The new “middle road”

Wow!  Did you know there’s a “middle road”?!   How did I miss that?   I read about the “narrow” road which leads to life and I read about the “wide” road which leads to death… but how did I miss this “middle” road?  I wonder where it leads?

I just caught this on The Gospel Coalition Blog and it’s a dead center bulls-eye.  I’m telling you, I have heard these very words (almost) come from people I know.  I’m not going to go much further than to say you might want to watch/listen to this.  Its 3:50 minutes, but the point is well made. 

Now it’s classic Francis Chan… he brings a sad reality to light in a humorous manner, but he doesn’t treat the matter lightly.  It’s not a light matter… it’s really very deadly.  And its not really ‘new’.  It’s actually as old as sin.

So… there’s the bad news… man is still sinning, screwing up, twisting truth, rebelliously justifying his own manner of life.  We’ve done this since Adam. 

What gives me HOPE, in the midst of all the effects of sin, is that Jesus Christ is still the very best Good News!  For me, for you, for Francis Chan, for the guy who wants his ‘middle road’…  Jesus Chirst lived perfectly here on earth in the flesh and through His death, He became the perfect substitute for me and by his death, purchased my redemption through His suffering and death on a real cross on a real hill on a very real day in history and then He rose again bodily from the grave and now is seated at the right hand of God the Father.  Jesus Christ saved me!  That’s news worth proclaiming.  Jesus Christ can save you!  That’s news worth listening to and believing.  Jesus’ own words while he ‘preached’ on this earth were straightforward and life-changing…”Repent and believe“.  There are links and buttons all over this blog that can tell you more about this wonderful Gospel. 

There is no middle road.  And there is only one way to eternal life in Jesus Christ and that is through the Cross… through suffering, dying and ressurection on that incredible coming Day of the Lord.  I can’t wait… I look forward to that Day with real yearning.

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